Chapter 2 37
The table below describes the parameters in this screen.
Exit Saving Changes
Allows the user to save changes and reboot the system.
The following message is shown when user presses
“Enter” on the item
System will reboot if Yes is selected and will stay in Setup if No is selected..
Exit Discarding Changes
Allows the user to not save changes before exiting Setup.
The following message is shown when user presses
“Enter” on this item.
System will reboot after either selection.
Load Setup Default
Allows the user to load default values in Setup. The following message is shown when user presses “Enter”
on this item:.
It still stay in Setup after either selection.
Parameter Description
Exit Saving Changes Exit System Setup and save your changes to CMOS.
Exit Discarding
Exit utility without saving setup data to CMOS.
Load Setup Default Load default values for all SETUP item.
Discard Changes Load previous values from CMOS for all SETUP items.
Save Changes Save Setup Data to CMOS.
Setup Confirmation
Save configuration changes and exit now
[ Yes] [No]
Exit discarding changes?
[Yes] [No]
Setup Confirmation
Load default configuration now?
[ Yes] [No]