Chapter 1 31
LCD Inverter
Item Specification
Vendor & model name Ambit
Brightness conditions Vadj=3.3V
Input voltage (V) 7 (Min.), 14 (Max.)
Input current (A) 0.6 (Min.)
Output voltage (V, rms) 650
Output current (mA, rms) 5.5~6.5
Output voltage frequency (k Hz) 40~60 Hz
AC Adaptor
Item Specification
Model number DELTA ADP-65DB 17V 70W (3 PIN)
AC input 90~264V, 47Hz to 63Hz
Output power 65W, 19V@3.42V
System Power Management
ACPI mode Power Management
Mech. Off (G3) All devices in the system are turned off completely.
Soft Off (G2/S5) OS initiated shutdown. All devices in the system are turned off
Working (G0/S0) Individual devices such as the CPU and hard disk may be power
managed in this state.
Suspend to RAM (S3) CPU set power down
VGA Suspend
PCMCIA Suspend
Memory Address Map
Memory Address Size Function
00100000h-000F0000h 512 KB System BIOS
000CFFFFh-000C0000h VGA BIOS
00009FFFFh-00000000h 640KB Conventional memory
I/O Address Map
I/O Address Function
0000-001F, 0081-008F, 0090-0091,
0093-009F, 00C0-00DF, 040B, 04D6
DMA controller
0D00-FFFF PCI bus
0020-0021, 0024-0025, 0028-0029,
002C-002D, 0030-0031, 0034-0035,
0038-0039, 003C-003D, 00A0-00A1,
00A4-00A5, 00A8-00A9, 00AC-00AD,
00B0-00B1, 00B4-00B5, 00B8-00B9,
00BC-00BD, 00C0-00DF
Programmable interrupt controller
0040-0043, 0050-0053 System timer
0060, 0064 Acer Tablet PC Keyboard Buttons (101/102 key)