Acer Acer –LCD-D240H
Items Condition Spec Note
> ,000 Hours
CCFL Life time
becomes 50%
0,000 Hours( )
Note1. Display an all WHITE field at mid Brightness and Contrast settings.
Electrical and Optical Characteristics and Performance
3.1 Main Power Supply
3.1.1 Input characteristics
Items Condition Spec Note
AC Input Voltage range Universal input full range 90~264Vac
AC Input Voltage rating Universal input full range 100~240Vac
AC input frequency range 90~264Vac 47~63Hz
AC input frequency rating 100~240Vac 50~60Hz
100Vac 2.0A(max) AC Input Current
240Vac 0.8A(max)
115Vac,cold star,25°C 35A (max)
Inrush Current
230Vac,cold star,25°C 70A(max)
See Note2
AC-DC power Efficiency
DC output full loading ≥79%
Note2. Before each test, the buck capacitor need to be discharged.
Before each test, it must be 10 minutes at least after the latest test.
Hot star not component be damaged.
3.1.2 Output characteristics
Items Condition Spec Note
+25V output <800mv
+5V output
USB +5V output:
Audio +5V output:
With system See note 3
+25V output <480mv
Ripple and Noise
+5V output
USB +5V output:
Audio +5V output:
With dummy Load
25V loading:0.3A~1.4A
5V loading:0.75A~1.5A
Audio 5V: 0A~1.2A
USB 5V: 0A~1.5A
Vcc5V: 4.75V~5.25V
Audio 5V: 4.95V~5.45V
USB 5V: 4.75V~5.25V
For system active
DC Output Voltage
25v loading:0.1A~1.5A
5V loading: 0A
Vcc25V: 23.2V~30V
Vcc5V: 4.75V~5.25V
For power saving or DC
Item Condition Spec
Contact discharge: 4KV
Contact discharge: 8KV ●
Air discharge : 8KV
Air discharge : 15KV ●