Responding to
Low Battery Conditions
There are two battery low stages in this
computer. When the battery capacity reaches
7% capacity (about 10 minutes remaining), the
system enters the first stage of battery-low
warning. At this time the battery low LED found
on the LCD panel flashes and an audible
warning sounds. You can disable the speaker
with the Fn+End speaker on/off hot key. You
can also keep the battery audible warning from
ever sounding by disabling the BATTERY LOW
WARNING BEEP option in Setup. If the BATTERY
LOW SUSPEND option is enabled in Setup, the
system enters 0V Suspend mode after 1 minute
of system inactivity if no AC is plugged in.
When the battery capacity reaches 4% capacity
(about 2 minutes remaining), a second audible
warning sounds. If the BATTERY LOW SUSPEND
option is enabled in Setup, the system enters 0V
Suspend mode after 10 seconds of system
inactivity if no AC is plugged in.
The following actions can maximize the time
before the battery is depleted and minimize the
effect of losing power:
q Set the screen brightness and contrast
control to the lowest possible setting.
q Save your work in progress to minimize the
danger of losing data.