7. You will be asked if you want to add an IEEE802.11b WLAN Utility shortcut to
your desktop. Click “ Yes “ to add a shortcut to your desktop.
8. The user manual is published in Portable Document Format (PDF). If Acrobat
Reader doesn’t exist in your system, the following message will be prompted and
automatically enter Acrobat Reader installation screen, please follow the
instructions to complete the Acrobat Reader 4.0 installation.
9. The following page will remind you to install the Microsoft network protocols for
IEEE802.11b WLAN to work properly. If the network protocol has existed in your
system, click “ No “ to go to the next page, otherwise click “ Yes “ to go to the
network setting and add the necessary protocols. Please refer to the Chapter 4.2
Microsoft Networking Checklist for the detailed Microsoft network setting. If you
add the necessary protocols and finish the network setting, the system will
prompt a reboot request, click “ No “ to go to the next page.