
Reserved for direct device - A SCSI device, such as a hard disk, tape drive or
library that has not yet been assigned as a SAN Resource.
Used in direct device - A directly mapped SCSI device, such as a hard disk, tape
drive or library, that is being used as a direct device SAN Resource.
Reserved for service enabled device - A hard disk with existing data that has
not yet been assigned to a SAN/NAS Resource.
Used by service enabled device - A hard disk with existing data that has been
assigned to a SAN/NAS Resource.
Unassigned - A physical resource that has not been reserved yet.
Not available for ASC - A miscellaneous SCSI device that is not used by ASC
(such as a scanner or CD-ROM).
System - A hard disk where system partitions exist and are mounted (i.e. swap
file, file system installed, etc.).
Reserved for Striped Set - Used in a disk striping configuration.
Prepare devices to become logical resources
You can use one of ASC’s disk preparation options to change the category of a
device. This is important to do if you want to create a logical resource using a
device that is currently
unass gned
The ASC Server detects new devices when you connect to it. When they are
detected you will see a dialog box notifying you of the new devices. At this
point you can highlight a device and press the
Prepare Disk
button to prepare
At any time, you can prepare a single unassigned device by doing the
following: Highlight the device, right-click, select
and select the
device category. (You can find all unassigned devices under the
Resources Adapters
node of the tree view.)
For multiple unassigned devices, highlight
Physical Resources
, right-click and
Prepa e Disks
. This launches a wizard that allows you to virtualize,
unassign, or import multiple devices at the same time.
Acer Altos® NAS 700 Solution Guide