
3 Getting Started
58h 2-2-3-1 Test for unexpected interrupts. First do an
STI for hot interrupts. Secondly, test the NMI
for an unexpected interrupt. Thirdly, enable
the parity checkers and read from memory,
checking for an unexpected interrupt.
59h Register POST Display Services, fonts, and
languages with the POST Dispatch Manager.
5Ah Display prompt “Press F2 to enter SETUP.”
5Bh Disable CPU cache.
5Ch Test RAM between 512K and 640K.
60h Determine and test the amount of extended
memory available. Determine if memory
exists by writing to a few strategic locations
and see if the data can be read back. If so,
perform an address-line test and a RAM test
on the memory. Save the total extended
memory size in the CMOS at cmosExtended.
62h Perform an address line test on A0 to the
amount of memory available. This test is
dependent on the processor, since the test
will vary depending on the width of mem-
ory (16 or 32 bits). This test will also use A20
as the skew address to prevent corruption
of the system memory.
64h Jump to UserPatch1. See "The POST Compo-
66h Set cache registers to their CMOS values if
CMOS is valid, unless auto configuration is
enabled, in which case load cache registers
from the Setup default table.
67h Quick initialization of all Application Proces-
sors in a multi-processor system.
Beep Code Description