Appendix A: Management software installation
Installing ASM Agent (Windows version)
To install ASM Agent:
1 Log in to the managed server using the Administrator account.
2 Insert the EasyBUILD
Management CD into the server’s CD-ROM
The installation sequence will automatically begin.
3 Select the option for ASM installation.
The installation wizard will be initialized.
4 Follow all onscreen instructions to complete installation.
For detailed instructions on installing ASM Agent, refer to the
ASM User’s manual.
ASM Agent will auto-launch as a Windows service after rebooting
the system.
Installing ASM Console (Windows version)
To install ASM Console:
1 Log in to the target Windows-based PC using the Administrator
2 Insert the EasyBUILD
Management CD into the computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
The installation sequence will automatically begin.
3 Select the option for ASM installation.
The installation wizard will be initialized.
4 Follow all onscreen instructions to complete installation.
For detailed instructions on installing ASM Console, refer to the
ASM User’s manual.
To launch the program, on the Windows taskbar click on the Start
button, point to programs, select Acer Server Manager then
click Acer Server Manager