Question Answer
No sound comes out
of the computer
Check the following:
q The speakers may be muted. Press
Fn+F6. If the pop-up does not contain
a speaker icon, press Fn+F7 to turn on
the speakers.
q The volume level may be too low. Press
Fn+Ctrl+↑ to increase the volume.
q If headphones or external speakers are
connected to the line-out port on the
computer’s left panel, the internal
speakers are automatically turned off.
q Onboard audio may be disabled. Press
Fn+F2 to enter the BIOS setup utility.
Select About My Computer, press
Enter, and then press PgDn to go to
page 2. If onboard audio is disabled,
go to page 3 of the Advanced System
Configuration (see page 103) and
change the onboard audio setting to