
System Utilities
Item Description
PCMCIA Slot 1 Card presence in slot 1 (detected by
the socket service)
Parallel Port Parallel port base address and IRQ
Serial Port Serial port base address and IRQ
IrDA (FIR) Infrared port base address and IRQ
Onboard USB USB port if enabled or not
AC Adapter Connected AC adapter information
Main Battery Installed battery type information
Onboard Audio
Base Address Audio base address
MPU Base Address Audio MPU-401 base address
IRQ Setting Audio IRQ settings
DMA Channel Audio DMA channels
System Configuration
Selecting System Configuration presents a Basic
System Configuration screen, where you can
change several items in your computer’s
or to move from one item to another, and
or to change settings. Press F1 to get help on
a selected item. Press Esc to exit the Basic System
Configuration screen and return to the main BIOS
Utility screen.