Registry Control keeps an eye on the Windows Registry - this is again useful for
detecting Trojan horses. It will alert you whenever a program will try to modify a
registry entry in order to be executed at Windows start-up.
Registry Alert
You can see the program that is trying to modify
Windows Registry.
If you do not recognize the program and if it seems
suspicious, click Block to prevent it from modifying
Windows Registry. Otherwise, click Allow to permit
the modification.
Based on your answer, a rule is created and listed
in the rules table. The same action is applied
whenever this program tries to modify a registry
Acronis AntiVirus2010 will usually alert you when you install new programs that need
to run after the next startup of your computer. In most cases, these programs are
legitimate and can be trusted
To configure Registry Control, go to Privacy Control>Registry in Expert Mode.
Privacy Control