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Advanced Options
Select “Adv Option”, press [OK], the following appears:
Press [/] to scroll up or down to select the option.
Reset Opts.: Restore all setup values to factory defaults.
Delete AttLogs: Delete all transaction logs.
Clear All Data: Delete all users and logs. (Note: You will
lose all information stored on the terminal.)
Clr Admin Pri: Change all privilege levels to User.
Show Score: Show the degree to which a fingerprint reading
matches the stored template. 0 is the lowest score (no match)
and 50 is the highest score (perfect match).
Adv Option
Reset Opts.
Del AttLogs
Clear All Data
Clr Admin Pri
Show Score N
Match Thr 35
Mst Input ID N
1:1 Thr 15
Voice Y
Upd Firmware
Work Code NO
Adj VOL(%) 67