Gravimetric Batch Blenders w/Mitsubishi Control Chapter 3: Installation 41
takes effect. This order can be changed while the blender is making a batch without
affecting the current running batch.
Note: All feeders must be in the metering order. Do not have the same metering
order number assigned to two feeders at the same time as the control will not
accept the settings.
Batch Size Menu
The Slide Gate/Auger blending system is a gravimetric batching system. The blender will
weigh a preprogrammed batch of material each cycle. This batch size is determined by the
blender’s weigh hopper size, the current recipe, and the bulk density of the ingredients.
Because the blending systems must handle a wide variety of materials, with varying bulk
densities, the actual amount of weight of material the weigh hopper will hold can vary
dramatically from application to application.
This feature allows the operator to change the size of the batch to be made. A value will need
to be entered between 0.5 to 99.9. This can also be changed while making a batch without
affecting the current running batch. If the size is changed then you will need to touch
“Accept New Recipe” on the Recipe screen before the change takes place. This feature
allows stored recipes with different batch sizes to easily be loaded without the operator
having to reconfigure the blender every time they want to load a stored recipe.
The weigh hopper size selected should be one that approaches the maximum capacity of the
load cells without over-filling the weigh hopper. During the initial setup of each blender, the
weigh hopper size setting should be checked to ensure that the weigh hopper is not overfilling
due to a large percentage of light weight regrind, etc. The batch size will vary from model to
model. The bulk density of the material being blended will also affect the batch size.
Note: If running a high percentage of lighter density regrind, set the batch size so
that the mixer does not overfill, preventing the weigh hopper from fully
dumping when operating in “Batch Ready Mode”.
Figure 23: Typical Batch Size (Slide Gate Blenders)
Blender Batch Size
(in lbs.)
SGA-012 7.0
SGA-030 20.0
SGA-060 35.0
SGB-450 3.5
SGB-900 7.0
SGB-2500 25.0
SGB-4000 35.0
SGB-5000 35.0
Inventory Shutdown
In many applications, the user of the Slide Gate/Auger System produces large runs of blended
material on the same recipe during production. An example may be a 40,000-lb. run of a
certain specification plastic extrusion. Others may wish to fill a 1,000-lb. gaylord box in a