CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5
Account Properties – Storage
This tab appears only for the default account. However, the values set on that tab apply to all accounts. In other
words, storage as set up on this tab applies to all accounts, not just the default account. If you change the default
account, this Storage tab will be visible for the new default account and will not be visible for the previous
default account. The values will already be on the new tab: you will not have to set them up again.
For information on the use of this tab, see “Using Remote Storage” on page 20.
Table 12: Account Properties – Storage
Field Description
Storage method The storage method to be used for the Contacts list file and the presence rules.
The file can be stored locally or on a remote computer.
The storage method that is valid for your setup is controlled to some extent by
the Presence Mode (on the Presence tab). If Presence Mode is set to Presence
Agent, only the XCap storage method is valid. If Presence Mode is set to Peer-
topeer or Disabled, any storage method is valid.
Use SIP credentials Check this box to use the username and password from your SIP account in order
to log into the storage server.
Otherwise, uncheck this box and complete the Username and Password fields.
Not used for “Local”.
Root URL URL of an appropriate root folder on the remote server.
Not used for “Local”. The factory setting is https://webdav.$domain$/webdav/
WebDAV poll time Enabled only for WebDAV. The time that elapses between polling for new
contact data from the remote server.
The factory setting is 600.