Welcome to the magical world of Skylands.
You are now an elite Portal Master with the
power to control the Portal of Power and
bring the mighty Skylanders to life. Together,
your mission is to save Skylands from the evil
darkness that has taken over.
You may place up to 3 toys on the
Portal of Power at once, which includes
2 playable Skylanders (for 2 player
mode only) and 1 Magic Item or
1 Location Piece (sold separately).
To begin Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure™, the
Portal of Power must first be connected up
to your XBOX 360. With the XBOX 360
powered off, insert the Portal of Power into an
available port. Power on your XBOX 360 system
first and then power on your Portal of Power.
More information on how to set up your
Portal of Power can be found in your Quick
Start Guide. It is through the Portal of Power that the Skylanders
can enter the ancient islands that make up Skylands. Once placed
on the Portal of Power, the Skylander will come to life on screen
and be playable in game.