Main Menu
Choose between the Story, Special Ops and Multiplayer Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3
experience, as well as view your completion percentages for each mode.
Pick up where Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 ended and continue the single player experience
in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 campaign. From the Story menu you can resume your most
recent campaign or start a new one. You may also use the Mission Select option to replay an
already completed mission at any difficulty.
Note: Modern Warfare® 3 uses an automatic checkpoint save system to save your game progress.
You may also choose to use the Save and Quit option from the in-game Pause menu.
Experience co-op Special Ops play with another player locally in Split-Screen or remotely online.
Use the find match option to link up with a player online or through private match to link up with a
friend. Choose the solo option to test your skills on your own.
Take on a variety of custom-designed challenging missions in Special Ops Missions mode. You can
also use this menu to revisit any unlocked Special Ops missions and attempt to complete it on one
of three difficulties.
Survive countless waves of enemies on Multiplayer maps, utilizing available resources to climb the
Special Ops ranks. Revisit maps to break your previous wave record.
Compete with other Modern Warfare 3 players online and locally in a variety of maps and game
modes in Multiplayer (MP). Unlock new weapons, attachments, perks and rank up in MP!