UPGRADES: Purchase upgrades using experience and Web Tech points.
OBJECTIVES: View your progress and objectives in the current level.
PHOTO GALLERY: View photos that you have taken.
SETTINGS: Adjust your audio and control options.
RESTART CHECKPOINT: Restart the current checkpoint from the beginning.
RETURN TO APARTMENT: Leave the current level and return to the apartment. Only
available after a level has been completed once.
QUIT GAME: Quit the game and return to the Main Menu.
Heads-Up display
1. EXPERIENCE BAR: Shows experience and
Web Tech points gained from successfully
completing combat and objectives.
2. COMBO COUNTER: Counts the number of
consecutive hits in the current combo. Taking
damage or fleeing resets the counter.
3. PLAYER HEALTH: When the player
takes damage, the border of the top screen
becomes increasingly red. Web Retreat and hide in the shadows to regain health.
4. WEB RUSH INDICATORS: Appear yellow, purple, red, orange or blue to indicate the
type of Web Rush action that will be performed. (Web Rush mode covered later).
Wall Crawl Hold toward a flat surface
Dodge/Interact Touch Screen (right side)
Web Retreat Touch Screen (left side)
Cancel Web Rush Touch Screen (left side) when in Web Rush mode
At certain points during the game, checkpoints will trigger saving your
progress. Older checkpoints are overwritten by newer ones. When the
game is saving, an Autosave Icon is displayed at the bottom left of the
top screen.
After starting the game and selecting a save slot, there are several options to choose from.
START GAME: Begin a new game or start from the last auto-checkpoint reached.
SETTINGS: Adjust your audio and control options.
EXTRAS: View alternate suits, audio evidence, friends and foes, the art gallery and
the credits.
VIGILANTE: Launches the Vigilante game mode exclusive to Nintendo 3DS. (Vigilante
mode covered later)