
10 1 Introduction
1.2 Visual Display Unit
Upper Menu and Status Information Bar
The 3500i display screen upper bar always remains the same
regardless of the operation or function that is being preformed, and
general status information. See "Manual Data Input" on page 20 for a
complete description of the screen layout.
1 Help button
ABC button to hide or unhide the on screen keyboard & numeric
3 Manual Data Input button
4 Program Management button
5 Program Run button
6 System Maintenance button
7 Shutdown button
8 Clock
9 Program running status:
Red - Machine is idle
Green - System is running
10 Message Indicator:
Yellow/Red (flashing): Error or Warning
Green: All OK
11 Screen Lock: Touch Screen can be locked while a program is
running, or at anytime the operator chooses. Press the CLEAR key
on the keypad to unlock the touchscreen.
12 Message Bar: Messages will pop-up (e.g. an error or warning) and
can be cleared by touching the message bar. The message bar
appears in all modes, and sub-modes of operation.