11-7 Data Memory: Quick Selection Mode
The data memory has a quick selection mode, to recall data in memory quickly.
Using the quick selection mode, the comparator settings or the tare value, whichever is selected in
the function table, can be recalled, by a simple operation, using the MODE key.
While the data memory function is in use, unit selection using the MODE key is not available.
Use the quick selection mode as follows.
1 Press the MODE key to enter the memory data recalling mode. The memory data last
selected appears with all the digits blinking.
2 Press the MODE key to select the value.
Comparator settings: when the “Data memory (data)” parameter is set to “4”
Each time the MODE key is pressed, the displayed
value changes as follows:
....C03 HI → C03 LO→ C04 HI → C04 LO → .... →
→ C20 LO → C01 HI →....
Tare value: when the “Data memory (data)” parameter is set to “5”
Each time the MODE key is pressed, the displayed
value changes as follows:
....t03 → t04 → t05 → .... → t20 → t01→....
3 Press the PRINT key or leave the balance as is for a
while (after a few seconds of inactivity) to confirm the
selection. The balance returns to the weighing mode
with the selected data ready for use.
To cancel the selection, press the CAL key. The
balance returns to the weighing mode