MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 45
10.1.2. Example To Print Selected Items
Example To Print Selected ItemsExample To Print Selected Items
Example To Print Selected Items
This print example is printed multiple measurement data and a suit of items
specified from "analyzer information", "measurement program" or "signature space".
When the title data is the same, it is economical use.
Preparation of Parameters
Preparation of ParametersPreparation of Parameters
Preparation of Parameters
Device Parameter Description
prt 0 1 When pressing the ENTER key, the result is outputted.
prt 1
Data is outputted after measurement automatically.
5-d 0 1 Result is outputted only.
pU5e 1 1 Approx. two seconds interval in each line.
info 2
To print specified item.
MODE 3 Dump print (Received data is printed as it is)
1: Factory settings
How To Print "Analyzer
How To Print "Analyzer How To Print "Analyzer
How To Print "Analyzer Information" and "Measurement Program"
Information" and "Measurement Program"Information" and "Measurement Program"
Information" and "Measurement Program"
1. Display the gram unit (of the weighing mode).
2. Press and hold the ENTER key.
3. Press the SELECT key to select li5t .
4. Press the ENTER key to print them.
5. Display the gram unit (of the weighing mode).
How To Print "
How To Print "How To Print "
How To Print "Measurement Data
Measurement DataMeasurement Data
Measurement Data"
Select a parameter to print "Measurement data". Refer to "14. Function Table"
prt 0
When pressing the ENTER key, the result is outputted.
prt 1
Data is outputted after measurement automatically.
How To Print "
How To Print "How To Print "
How To Print "Signature Space
Signature SpaceSignature Space
Signature Space"
1. Display the gram unit (of the weighing mode).
2. Press and hold the ENTER key.
3. Press the SELECT key to select 5ig .
4. Press the ENTER key to print "signature space".
5. Display the gram unit (of the weighing mode).
Press and hold
5ig li5t
Press and hold
5ig li5t