AD-4402 Page 45
7.3.4. Entrance S
Entrance SEntrance S
Entrance Sequence
The entrance sequence is used to prevent the material form scattering before the
batch weighing when a liquid or powder is weighed. When the sequence starts,
dribble gate is opened at first, medium gate is opened next and full gate is opened at
last. The parameter can be set in each material code.
Concerning Parameters of the Function
Using this sequence to prevent the material form scatting.
Set the following parameters in each material code.
Medium supply effective bandwidth
Dribble supply effective bandwidth
Editing these parameters.
Edit the parameters in the function mode.
[Function] - [Function setting] - [MatEDIT] - [Edit]
Inhibiting the comparison during the sequence.
[5q f-35] Store the time of the dribble flow comparison inhibit timer.
[Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Timer] - [Dribble flow
comparison interrupt timer]
[5q f-34] Store the time of the medium flow comparison inhibit timer.
[Function] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Timer] - [Medium flow
comparison interrupt timer]