Appendix C: Using the Adaptec RAID Configuration Utility ● 112
Power Management Settings
When power management is disabled, no related options will be displayed.
Note: Make sure the operating system driver supports power management.
Note: Default settings are shown in bold type.
Backplane Mode ● Series 2, Series 5, Series 6 Controllers:
When set to Auto, controller automatically detects backplane signal
type: I2C or SGPIO. To set the backplane mode explicitly select SGPIO,
I2C, or Disabled. Default is Auto.
● Series 6E/6T Controllers:
When set to Default, controller automatically sets the backplane mode
to IBPI. To set the backplane mode explicitly, select IBPI, SGPIO, or
Disabled. Default is IBPI.
Note—With the default IBPI setting, the firmware sends a SGPIO
“Backplane_TYPE" signal if it recognizes that a SGPIO Backplane is
connected. If any connected SGPIO backplane does not support the
“Backplane_TYPE" signal, or it does not support the IBPI protocol, you
can manually set the Backplane Mode to "SGPIO".
Selectable Performance
When set to Dynamic, performance criteria adjusts automatically based
on controller usage, RAID level, and disk drive type. When set to OLTP/
Db, performance criteria is optimized for transaction-oriented
applications, such as data entry and retrieval. When set to Big Block
Bypass, DRAM write cache is bypassed based on IO write size;
performance criteria is optimized for serving Web pages, file serving,
and data retrieval. Default is Dynamic.
Option Description
Power Management
When enabled, switches the system to low power state, based on the
specified settings.
Time Zone The time zone of the place in which the system is located. Time specific
power management settings are implemented based on the set time
zone. By default, it is set to 00:00.
The valid range for the time zone settings is -12:00 to +12:00.
Stay Awake Start The time from which the system should operate in the full power mode,
irrespective of other power management settings, daily. By default it is
set to 00:00.
The valid range is 00:00 to 23:59.
Stay Awake End The time until which the system should operate in the full power mode,
irrespective of other power management settings, daily. By default it is
set to 00:00.
The valid range is 00:00 to 23:59.
Spin Up Limit (Internal) The number of internal drives to be spun up at any given moment. By
default it is set to 0. In the default setting, all the internal drives will
spin up.
Spin Up Limit (External) The number of external drives to be spun up at any given moment. By
default it is set to 0. In the default setting, all the external drives will
spin up.
Option Description