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Bracketed numbers refer to parts that are labeled on figures in Section 8.
Operators who are using the lift with the Beech 1900 and Fairchild Metroliner, please refer to special
instructions at the end of this section.
To Move The Lift:
I. Raising Lift onto Wheels
a) The first step is to crank the lift up onto its wheels. To do this, turn the wheel crank handle
[16] clockwise until the wheels are in the full down position.
b) Visually inspect the main tires to make sure they are not under-inflated. If a tire is under-
inflated, the spare can be used or the tire can be re-inflated to the proper operating pressure.
(See Tires, in the Maintenance Section).
c) Check that the outriggers are locked in the fully retracted position. The locking handles
[42] must be engaged into the keyhole slots [43] on the positioning handles [43] to prevent
vibrations from causing the outriggers to extend while moving the lift.
II. Moving Lift Using Push Handles
a) Pull both push handles [17] down to release the automatic parking brake. The purpose of
this parking brake is to prevent the lift rolling when it is not in use. If there is any indication
that the brake is not operating properly, it must be repaired immediately.
b) To move the lift, apply a slight downward force on the push handles and push or pull as
necessary. (If the lift is being pushed on rough ground it can be quite noisy from cable
rattle. This is normal.)
• All precise maneuvering (i.e. alignment with aircraft or parking) should be performed using
the push handles not a tractor on the tow bar.
Towing Lift Behind Vehicle
The lift can be towed behind a vehicle at a maximum speed of 8 km/hr (5 mph).
a) Lowering the tow bar [20] to attach to the towing vehicle will automatically release the
parking brake.
b) The tow bar is designed with a rubber cushioned tow ring, 1
inches inside diameter at a
height of 18 inches. Contact Adaptive Engineering if your towing equipment does not
match the supplied tow ring.
• No passengers or equipment are to ride on lift while being towed.
• Maximum towing speed is 8 km/hr (5 mph).
• Wheels must be fully lowered prior to towing.
• Perform all fine maneuvering with the push handles only. Do not tow lift too close to the