American Dryer Corporation 88 Currant Road / Fall River, MA 02720-4781
Drop Lint Door Assembly Without Trim
Illus. No. Part No. Qty. Description
1 800150 1 Knob Latch Kit Assembly
(includes illus. nos. 1 and 2)
160200 1 Knob Latch ONLY with 2 Screws (without cam)
160003 1 Dummy Lock ONLY (for non-coin models)
160104 1 MK-100 Key ONLY (for dummy lock)
2 160008 1 Lock Cam for AD-100 and Dummy Lock
160009 1 Knob Latch Adjustable Cam ONLY
150425 1 #12-24 x 3/8” Round Head Machine Screw ONLY
(screw for knob latch adjustable cam)
3 157000 1 Drop Lint Door Spring
4 802104* 1 Insulated Drop Lint Door Assembly
(includes illus. nos. 4 through 8)
882106 1 Stainless Steel Insulated Drop Lint Drawer Assembly
(includes illus. nos. 4 through 8)
5 150201 6 #10-32 x 1/4” Phillips Pan Head TEK Screw
6 117604 7 Neoprene Sponge Tape (sold by the foot)
7 150419 2 #6 x 1/2” Tamperproof TEK Screw
150418 1 Tamperproof Screw Hand Driver
8 108120 1 Chain for Drop Lint Door (10-1/2” length)
* Specify color when ordering.