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105350AE 11/07 Original © 2007 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Spec Sheet
Dimensions (W x H x D): 209x482.6x254mm
Weight: 15kg
Power: <11Watts,-48VDC;0.38WattsforeachLED
Operations: ETS300-019-2-3class3.2
Storage: ETS300-019-2-1class1.2
Transport: ETS300-019-2-2class2.3
Interfaces: 64xE1,multiplemappingschemesaresupportedincluding2Mbpsframed,
Protection: 1+1 MSP
Reliability: MTBF>30years.
Management: Web-basedintegratedcraftinterface(ICI)includingthesupportofsmartdefault
settings IP based management
Local management access via 10/100BaseT interface
SNMP with trap messages supported
Non-volatile software and database stores including back-up and restoration
Timing: E1andlinetiming(TimingMarker)support
Re-timing option on the E1 interfaces
Standards: In compliance with the ITU, ETSI, IEC, IEEE, IETF standards for E1 and SDH equipment
Description Catalogue Number
Fibre optic patch cords
LCduplexconnector(UPC)toLCduplexconnector(UPC),2m 70661788-52
LCduplexconnector(UPC)toSCduplexconnector(UPC),2m 70661718-52
LCduplexconnector(UPC)to2FCduplexconnectors(UPC),2m 70661528-52
Universal fibre optic adapter (duplex)
Fibre optic attenuator, LC 15 dB
Cross-connect wire
152mroll DSX-CCW/500
305mroll DSX-CCW/1000
601mroll DSX-CCW/2000
Wire-wrap tool kits
Manual AUX-0X0165
Electronic AUX-0X0800
insertion tool
Ordering Information