American Dryer Corporation 88 Currant Road / Fall River, MA 02720-4781
Control Door Assembly
Illus. No. Part No. Qty. Description
1 112366 1 Logo ONLY
2* 881691 1 Control Door Assembly
(includes illus. nos. 2, 3, 7, and 8)
For Models Mfd. as of October 24, 1997
881045 1 Control Door Assembly
(includes illus. nos. 2, 3, 7, and 8)
For Models Mfd. prior to October 24, 1997
3 117600 4 Noise Suppression Tape (sold by the foot)
4 150309 4 #10-16 x 1/2” Hex Head TEK Crimptite Screw
5 102603 1 Control Door Rod Support Catch
6 102601 1 Control Door Rod Retainer Clip
7 102502 1 Control Door Support Rod
8 882541 2 Spring Turn Latch (2-piece)
* Specify color when ordering.