
Spec Sheet
Description Catalog Number
Termination only rack or cabinet mount panel, black
1 RU empty panel, black; accommodates 3 MPO cassettes RMG-1000-000B
2 RU empty panel, black; accommodates 6 MPO cassettes RMG-2000-000B
4 RU empty panel, black; accommodates 12 MPO cassettes RMG-4000-000B
Plug-and-Play Cassettes
62.5/125 µm multimode cassettes
12 fiber cassettes; 6 SC duplex (beige) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOBC3
12 fiber cassettes; 1 quad LC (beige) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOBQ3
24 fiber cassettes; 2 quad LC (beige) multimode adapters, 2 MPO adapter RMG-24MPOBQ3
50/125 µm multimode cassettes
12 fiber cassettes; 6 SC duplex (beige) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOCC3
12 fiber cassettes; 3 quad LC (beige) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOCQ3
24 fiber cassettes; 6 quad LC (beige) multimode adapters, 2 MPO adapter RMG-24MPOCQ3
50/125 µm multimode laser optimized to 300 meter cassettes
12 fiber cassettes; 6 SC duplex (aqua) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPODC4
12 fiber cassettes; 3 quad LC (aqua) multimode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPODQ4
24 fiber cassettes; 6 quad LC (aqua) multimode adapters, 2 MPO adapter RMG-24MPODQ4
Singlemode cassettes
12 fiber cassettes; 6 SC duplex (blue) singlemode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOSC8
12 fiber cassettes; 3 quad LC (blue) singlemode adapters, 1 MPO adapter RMG-12MPOSQ8
24 fiber cassettes; 6 quad LC (blue) singlemode adapters, 2 MPO adapter RMG-24MPOSQ8
Ordering Information
Website: www.adc.com
ADC Telecommunications, Inc., P.O. Box 1101, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55440-1101
Specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Because we are continuously
improving our products, ADC reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. At any time, you may
verify product specifications by contacting our headquarters office in Minneapolis. ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
views its patent portfolio as an important corporate asset and vigorously enforces its patents. Products or features
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