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Creating a Bill of Materials
A typical site includes three components in various quantities.
You have six TMA options:
1. CG-800DD-FULL-DIN DD800 Full Band TMA, DIN Connectors
2. CG-800DDB14DT00 DD800 B-Band TMA, DIN Connectors
3. CG-1900DD-FULL-DIN DD1900 Full Band TMA, DIN Connectors
4. CG-1900W800-FULL-DIN DD1900 with 800 Bypass Full Band TMA, DIN Connectors
5. CG1900DDBFBDTBP DD1900 with 800 Bypass Full Band TMA with
DC Block, DIN Connectors
6. CG-1900/800-DB-FB-DIN Dual Band-Full Band TMA, DIN Connectors
The TMAs include: • Mounting hardware
• Grounding cable/strap (length 1.5 meters)
Ordering information: Order two per sector
You have four Bias-T options (based on connector type and orientation):
1. STRB-DF-DM-G-KIT DIN Female to BTS Port, DIN Male to ANT Port
2. STRB-DM-DF-G-KIT DIN Male to BTS Port, DIN Female to ANT Port
3. STRB-NF-NM-G-KIT N Female to BTS Port N Male to ANT Port
4. STRB-NM-NF-G-KIT N Male to BTS Port, N Female to ANT Port
The Bias-Ts include: • Grounding cable/strap (length 1.5 meters)
• Bias-T
cable; go from Bias-T to the PDU (length 14 feet)
Ordering information: Order two per sector
You have two PDU options:
1. CG-PDU-SMPWR Single Power PDU
2. CG-PDU-DMPWR Dual Power PDU*
*Typically used in conjunction with the Dual Power TMA
The PDUs include: • Power cable (length 10 meters)
• Alarm cable (length 10 meters)
• Grounding cable/str
ap (length 1.5 meters)
Ordering information: Order one per site
Optional Accessories:
Longer Bias-T Cable CG-PDU-30CABLE (30 foot Bias-T cable)
PDU Rack Mounting Brackets AUX-000076 (19" rack mounting bracket)
AUX-000076 and EB-17P (23" mounting bracket)
AUX-000084 (Siemens cabinet mounting bracket)
Tower-Mounted Amplifiers