Factory Reset
Sometimes a factory reset is necessary to clear all settings in the
InternetVue™ receiver. It will be brought back to the factory default
state. The SSID may change, and starting the PC2TV software will
invoke the Configuration Wizard once again.
To perform a factory reset, make sure the InternetVue™ receiver is
powered on and running for a few minutes. This is to ensure that it is not initializing. Press
the Factory Reset Button for 10 seconds continuously, then release. After 30-60 seconds,
the Welcome Screen will appear on the TV. Otherwise, try removing the power adapter
from the InternetVue™ for 10 seconds, then re-attach the power jack.
PC2TV Software
Click on the PC2TV icon on the Windows desktop (or from Start/All Programs).
Shutting down PC2TV can be done by clicking on the X
on the upper-right corner of the application.
The application automatically scans for InternetVue™ devices. If there is only one InternetVue™,
you will be connected to that unit automatically. Otherwise, you will be presented with the
“PC2TV Display List” window. Here, you can select which InternetVue™ receiver to connect to: