Filters, effects, styles, and artwork
Last updated 7/26/2011
5 Select how to fill voids that are created by the filter in the image, and click OK.
Wrap Around Fills voids with content from the opposite edge of the image.
Repeat Edge Pixels Extends the colors of pixels along the image’s edge in the direction you specify.
6 Select and open the displacement map. Photoshop Elements applies the map to the image.
The Glass filter makes an image appear as if it were being viewed through different types of glass. You can choose a
glass effect or create your own glass surface as a Photoshop file and apply it. You can adjust scaling, distortion, and
smoothness settings. When using surface controls with a file, follow the instructions for the Displace filter.
The Liquify filter makes it easy to manipulate areas of an image as if those areas had been melted. You work with a
preview image of the current layer, using special tools to warp, twirl, expand, contract, shift, and reflect areas of the
image. You can make subtle changes to retouch an image or drastic distortions to create an artistic effect.
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“About filters” on page 178
Apply the Liquify filter
1 Select an image, layer, or area.
2 Choose Filter > Distort > Liquify.
3 To zoom in on or out of the image preview, do one of the following:
• Choose a zoom level from the pop-up menu in the lower- left area of the dialog box.
• Select the zoom tool from the toolbox in the dialog box, and click in the image to zoom in, or Option-click to zoom
out. You can also use the zoom tool to drag over an area of the preview you want to magnify.
• Select a tool from the toolbox.
4 Select one of the following tools from the toolbox:
Warp Pushes pixels forward as you drag.
Turbulence Smoothly scrambles pixels and creates fire, clouds, waves, and similar effects. To adjust the
smoothness, drag the Turbulent Jitter pop-up slider in the Tool Options section, or enter a value between 1 and 100 in
the text box. Higher values increase smoothness.
Twirl Clockwise Rotates pixels clockwise as you hold down the mouse button or drag.
Twirl Counterclockwise Rotates pixels counterclockwise as you hold down the mouse button or drag.
Pucker Moves pixels toward the center of the brush area as you hold down the mouse button or drag.
Bloat Moves pixels away from the center of the brush area as you hold down the mouse button or drag.
Shift Pixels Moves pixels perpendicularly to the stroke direction. Drag to move pixels to the left, and Option-drag
to move pixels to the right.
Reflection Copies pixels to the brush area. Drag to reflect the area perpendicular to the direction of the stroke (to
the left of or below the stroke). Option-drag to reflect the area in the direction opposite the stroke (for example, the
area above a downward stroke). Use overlapping strokes to create an effect similar to a reflection in water.