Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 11
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
FIGURE 5 Context-sensitive Menu for Custom Project
This is achieved by restricting the project capabilities that sample.customproject provides. See
the ProjectCapabilities class in that sample to discover why there are fewer menu items for the
context-sensitive menu on the custom project compared to the standard project.
For More Information
See VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > CustomProject
To find out what capabilities exist in the API, look in the API Reference under ICapability; you
will see asset, metadata, project and search capabilities. These are of interest if you want to add
to or subtract from the default set of capabilities of a standard Version Cue project and you
need to know how to declare these.
Downloading and Syndication
Download and syndication of assets between an external project and a standard Version Cue
project is supported by drag and drop in the user interface of Adobe Bridge CS3 only. In this
process, assets are transferred from an external project, typically with read-only access, to a
standard project. Syndication is the process of transferring the asset. The destination (stan-
dard) project is referred to as the work-in-progress (WIP) project.
After syndication, the user can work on the asset in the standard project exactly as on any
other standard Version Cue asset and take advantage of all the Version Cue features that are
available, such as versioning assets. The Version Cue Server stores a back-link or external ref-
erence to the original external asset, by saving some asset-level metadata along with the asset in
the standard Version Cue project.