960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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1.0 Initialization and Basic Calls
Verify successful setup and initialization of the Total
Access System
Verify calls placed outbound through Total Access reach
the external destination.
Verify calls received by Total Access are routed to the
proper trunk group.
Device restart – Power
Verify that the Total Access system recovers after power
Device restart – Network
Verify that the Total Access system recovers after loss of
network link.
All Trunks Busy –
Inbound Callers
Verify inbound callers hear busy tone when all channels /
trunks are in use.
All Trunks Busy –
Outbound Callers
Verify outbound callers hear reorder tone when all
channels / trunks are in use.
Verify proper call progress tones are provided and proper
call teardown for incomplete inbound calls.
Note 1: The Total Access system sends a 503 (Service Unavailable) message to Bandwidth.com, resulting in
system message: “the number you have dialed is not in service”.
2.0 Media and DTMF Support
Media Support –
ShoreTel Phone to Total
Verify call connection and audio path from a ShoreTel
phone to an external destination through the Total Access
system using all supported tones with both sides set to a
common codec.
Media Support – SIP
Reference to Total Access
Verify call connection and audio path from a SIP
reference phone to an external destination through the
Total Access system using all supported tones with both
sides set to a common codec.
Verify codec negotiation between Total Access and
Bandwidth.com with each side configured for a different
Verify DTMF transmission per RFC2833 for calls placed
through the Total Access System.
Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the
ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer
to the desired extension.
Auto Attendant “Dial by
Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the
ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer
to the desired extension using the “Dial by Name”
Auto Attendant menu
checking Voice Mail
Verify that inbound calls are properly terminated on the
ShoreTel Auto Attendant menu and that you can transfer
to the Voice Mail Login Extension.