Chapter 9. Dial Plan Terminal Menu
9-16 ATLAS 810
User Manual 61200266L1-1
Quad T1/PRI Module (User Termination/PRI)
When you are working in the
User Termination
section of the
Dial Plan
is defined as a T1/PRI module, and
is set to PRI, the follow-
ing configuration options are available:
»» Switch Type
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Defines the type of PRI switch that ATLAS is going to emulate. If connected
to another ATLAS, both need to be set to the same type. Options include
Lucent 5E, Northern DMS100, National ISDN, and AT&T 4ESS.
»» First DS0
Write Security: 3 Read Security: 5
Defines to ATLAS the first active DS0.
»» Number of DS0s
Write Security: 3 Read Security: 5
Defines the number of DS0s used for calls on this PRI. DS0 24 is assumed to
be used by the PRI for the D channel.
» Strip MSD
Write Security: 3 Read Security: 5
Allows a selected quantity of the Most Significant Digits (MSD) of a dialed
number to be stripped prior to being forwarded out of the port. For exam-
ple, a Network port could be set to accept all calls beginning with 9 (9$),
and then with
Strip MSD
set to 1, all digits would be sent toward the Net-
work except the leading 9.
» Network Specific
Facility Voice
Write Security: 3 Read Security: 5
Defines the specific facility IEs to send to the Network. Use this option if the
customer has subscribed to a network specific facility service such as AT&T
Megacom service. The facility request sent can be different for voice calls
versus data calls. A setting of
indicates no special facilities have
been subscribed.
» Network Specific
Facility Data
Write Security: 3 Read Security: 5
Defines the specific facility IEs to send to the Network. Use this option if the
customer has subscribed to a network specific facility service such as AT&T
Megacom service. The facility request sent can be different for voice calls
versus data calls. A setting of
indicates no special facilities have
been subscribed.
»» Called Digits
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Defines to ATLAS the number of called-number digits to forward. When
attached to a PBX, the PBX may be provisioned to expect to receive fewer
than all of the called digits of the incoming call. This would normally be set
The Strip MSD parameter does not affect the Call Accept criteria.
All of the digits (including the MSDs that are subsequently
stripped) are used as Accept criteria.