Appendix F. Frame Relay Firmware Version
61200176L2-1 Express 4100/4110 User Manual F-5
and the Express 4100/4110 responds to the Inverse ARP with its
Ethernet IP address.
IP Map/RIP Protocol
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
The RIP protocol can be specified per DLCI. The possible selections
are Off (meaning no RIP packets are listened to or sent), V1 (def)
(which is RIP version 1) or V2 (which is RIP version 2).
IP Map/RIP Method
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
The way the RIP protocol sends out its advertisements is specified
IP Map/RIP Direction
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
This parameter allows the direction at which RIP advertisements
are sent and listened to be specified.
The Express 4100/4110 can perform Network Address Translation
over a PVC. Setting this option to On will cause the Express 4100/
4110 to translate between the Ethernet addresses and the configured
All routes in the router table are adver-
tised out this virtual circuit with no modifi-
cation of the metrics.
Split Horizon
(def) Only routes not learned from this particu-
lar virtual circuit are advertised.
Poison Reverse
All routes are advertised, but the routes
learned from this port are “poisoned” with
an infinite metric.
Tx and Rx
(def) RIP advertisements are periodically trans-
mitted and are listened to on this virtual
Tx Only
RIP advertisements are periodically trans-
mitted but are not listened to on this vir-
tual circuit.
Rx Only
RIP is not transmitted on this virtual cir-
cuit but they are listened to.