Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
61200070L1-1 Express XL/XLT User Manual 89
Dial/Hang Up
Write security: 4; Read security: 5
This is an activator used for hanging up a Connection List entry. It also re-
moves retained routes from the IP and IPX routing tables when the call is not
connected. Place the cursor over the field and press Enter to activate the hang
up function.
Read security: 5
This reflects the current status of the call:
No call - No call is active for this Connection List profile.
Connecting - Outgoing call is being placed for this profile.
Ringing - Incoming call is being answered with this profile.
PPP negotiating - Call is connected and is bringing up PPP.
Active - A session with this profile is active.
Read security: 5
This is the number of B-channels being used for this call.
Dial/Number 1
Read security: 5
This read-only field is the number entered for the profile under Configura-
tion/Connection List/Dial Out/Number 1.
Dial/Number 2
Read security: 5
This read-only field is the number entered for the profile under Configura-
tion/Connection List/Dial Out/Number 2.