Menu Descriptions
61181307L7-5E 15
• Enter Test Timeout – This option displays the Network Timeout screen (Figure 14). The
timeout can run for a specific duration by entering the hours and/or minutes, or can run
indefinitely by entering 00:00.
Figure 14. Network Timeout Screen
• Toggle Test Direction – When a test is not running, this option is used to toggle the test
signal in the opposite direction (from customer to network and vice versa). When a test is
running, this option changes to Inject Bit Errors (Figure 15). This allows errors to be
generated from the test origination point to validate the test results.
Figure 15. BERT Inject Errors Screen
Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Total Access System mm/dd/yy hh:mm
Unacknowledged Alarms:
NETWORK Timeout Screen
Test Timeout(Hr:Min) = 01:00
1. Change Timeout
*NOTE: When timeout is set to 00:00, the
test will run indefinitely.
Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Total Access System mm/dd/yy hh:mm
Unacknowledged Alarms:
CH 1 Circuit ID:
Channel 1 BERT Test Screen
Test Results
Test Direction: T1 Interface
Unframed Pattern Generation: ON
Pattern: 63 Pattern
Line Coding: B8ZS
Bit Errors: 0000000
Bit Error Rate: 0.0E-09
Pattern Sync: ACQUIRED
Pattern Sync Losses: 000
Test Length (HH:MM:SS): 01:01:00
Time Elapsed (HH:MM:SS): 00:01:30
1. Number of Errors to Inject = 002 (Maximum=255)
2. Inject Bit Error
3. (Re)start