
Chapter 3. Operation
64 TSU 600 User Manual 61200.076L2-1
Map In Use: A(B)
This menu item is used to control the DS0 map used
by the TSU 600 and to display the map in current use.
Follow standard operating procedure to access the
Map In Use menu item. Notice the current Map In
Use is displayed. If no change is desired, proceed to
another menu selection.
To manually change the Map In Use, place the cursor
on the menu selection 4)MAP IN USE and press Enter.
The cursor moves to the select position over A or B.
Scroll to select A or B. This effects a manual change of
the Map In Use from A to B or visa versa.
DS0 Map A and DS0 Map B
The DS0 maps designate which DS0s are assigned to
which port. See Figure 3-15. There are three maps, DS0
Map A, DS0 Map B, and the Temporary (Temp) map.
Figure 3-15
DS0 Map Designations
DS0 A and DS0 B are the current maps used by the
TSU 600. The Temp map is used to generate a map
before putting it into use.
DS0 A can be copied to DS0 B by copying the DS0 A map
into the TEMP map and then applying (writing) the TEMP
into DS0 B.