User’s Manual for Advantech SOM-A2558 series module V1.00
Chapter 1 SOM-A2558 series Architecture
1.1 Introduction
Advantech SOM-A2558 module uses a dual-chip design principle.
SOM-A2558 series System On Module integrates both an Intel XScale
PXA255 ultra low power CPU with Advantech's EVA-C210 companion chip.
This offers the advantage of integrated controllers, but with multiple I/Os, such
as CF, PCMCIA, USB Host, USB Client, RS-232/UART, PCI Bus Rev. 2.2,
10/100Base-T Ethernet, PS/2 ports and RS-485.
SOM-A2558 series Design highlight:
l 68 mm x 68 mm x 6.8 mm compact size module
l Power management ready support with Normal, Idle, Suspend,
Off mode utilities.
l OS-ready package for Windows CE .NET/Linux Installation
(Windows CE .NET 4.2 BSP ready)
l Local bus(AMI Bus), comprehensive I/O interfaces as PS/2 port,
Ethernet, USB Host and PCI I/F support
l Boot option by onboard Flash or CFC makes easy maintenance
and cost savings
l Provide a variety of reconfi guration options to fulfi ll specifi c
l Design-in Kit package is available for complete design-in support
l Optional RISC CE-Builder assists for customer own image
SOM-A200 architecture
SOM-A255x series are based on Advantech SOM-A200 architecture to
design. SOM-A200 is Advantech RISC ultra-low power series SOM
architecture. The following block diagram is the SOM-A200 architecture.