
• Charge battery currents positive and negative (display units 0.1 A)
• Discharge battery currents positive and negative (display units 0.1 A)
Screen 2.3:
• Input, bypass and output frequencies (display units 0.1 Hz)
• Rectifier, inverter and battery temperatures (display units1 ºC)
• Input apparent power of L1 (display units 0.1 kVA)
• Input apparent power of L2 (display units 0.1 kVA)
• Input apparent power of L3 (display units 0.1 kVA)
• Input active power of L1 (display units 0.1 kW)
• Input active power of L2 (display units 0.1 kW)
• Input active power of L3 (display units 0.1 kW)
• Total input apparent power and active power (display units 0.1 kVA & 0.1 kW)
• Input power factor per each phase (display units 0.01)