4-4 Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual
Remote Operation
Programming Syntax
Addressing the Switch
Since GPIB can address multiple devices through the same interface card,
the device selector passed with the program message must include not only
the correct interface code, but also the correct instrument address.
Interface Select Code (Selects Interface)
Each interface card has a unique interface select code. This code is used by
the controller to direct commands and communications to the proper
interface. The default is typically 7 for GPIB controllers.
Instrument Address (Selects Instrument)
Each instrument on an GPIB bus must have a unique instrument address
between decimal 0 and 30. The address must not be the address of the
controller. (Refer to Chapter 2, “Installing the 87130A Attenuator/Switch
Driver.”) The device address passed with the program message must include
both the correct instrument address and the correct interface select code.
Example DEVICE SELECTOR = (Interface Select Code x 100) + (Instrument Address)
If the instrument address for the switch driver is 9 and the interface select
code is 7, when the program message is passed, the routine performs its
function on the instrument at device selector 709.
For the switch driver, the instrument address is typically set to 9 at the
factory. The program examples in this manual assume the switch driver is set
to device address 709.
Program Message
To program the switch driver over the bus, you must have an understanding
of the command format and structure expected by the switch driver.
The switch driver is remotely programmed with program messages. These
are composed of sequences of program message units, with each unit
representing a program command or query.
A program command or query is composed of a sequence of functional
elements that include separators (a blank space which is required to separate
the program mnemonic from the program data), headers, program data, and
terminators. These elements are sent to the switch driver over the system
interface as a sequence of ASCII data messages.