
7-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
-148 Character data not allowed
A character parameter is not allowed for this position.
-150 String data error
An error was detected in a string parameter. This error is reported if
the B2200 cannot determine a more specific error -151 and -158.
-151 Invalid string data
An invalid string parameter data was received; for example, an END
message was received before the terminal quote character.
-158 String data not allowed
A string parameter data was received but was not allowed at this
-160 Block data error
An error was detected in a block data. This error is reported if the
B2200 cannot determine more specific errors -161 and -168.
-161 Invalid block data
An invalid block data was received; for example, an END message
was received before the length was satisfied.
-168 Block data not allowed
A legal block data was received but was not allowed at this point.
-170 Expression error
An error was detected in an expression. This error is reported if the
B2200 cannot determine more specific errors -171 and -178.
-171 Invalid expression
The expression was invalid; for example, unmatched parentheses or
an illegal character.
-178 Expression data not allowed
An expression was received but was not allowed at this point.
Error Message and Description