CAUTION: Do not exceed the maximum input voltage rating! The maximum input voltage for 50
impedance is
5 V. The maximum input for 1 M
input impedance is
300 V (dc + ac).
1.5. Warning Regarding Medical Use
The Digitizer cards are not designed with components and testing procedures that would ensure a level of reliability
suitable for use in treatment and diagnosis of humans. Applications of these cards involving medical or clinical
treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by errors on the part of the user.
These cards are not intended to be a substitute for any form of established process or equipment used to monitor or
safeguard human health and safety in medical treatment.
WARNING: The modules discussed in this manual have not been designed for making direct measurements
on the human body. Users who connect an Acqiris module to a human body do so at their own
1.6. Packaging and Handling
Your Digitizer is shipped with the following components:
• A small 3.5” compact disc in an Acqiris paper CD envelope that includes
o 10 product user manuals in electronic form (Signal Analyzers, Streamer Analyzers, Family of 8-bit
Digitizers, Family of 10-bit Digitizers, Family of 12-bit Digitizers, Family of Averagers, Family of
Analyzers, Family of Time Counters, CC10X Family of CompactPCI Crates and CC121
CompactPCI Crate),
o 1 Programmer’s Guide and 1 Programmer’s Reference Manual,
o device drivers with sample software for different operating systems, environments and languages,
o the AcqirisAnalyzers application, a demonstration program for the AC/SC Analyzer products,
o the AcqirisLive application, a demonstration program for our digitizer and averager products,
o the DemoSSR application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris AP235/AP240 Analyzers,
o the DemoAPX01 application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris AP101/AP201 Analyzers,
o the DemoTC application, a demonstration program for the Acqiris TC840/TC890 Time Counters,
o product data sheets,
o full installation procedures for use with Microsoft Windows, National Instruments LabVIEW RT,
Wind River VxWorks, IVI-COM/C, and Linux software.
• A declaration of conformity
• Optional documentation such as a model-dependent document giving Specifications & Characteristics, a
Calibration Certificate, or a Performance Verification
After carefully unpacking all items, inspect each to ensure there are no signs of visible damage. Also check that all
the components received match those listed on the enclosed packing list. Agilent Technologies cannot accept
responsibility for missing items unless we are notified promptly of any discrepancies. If any items are found to be
missing or are received in a damaged condition please contact the Agilent service center or your local supplier
immediately. Retain the box and packing materials for possible inspection and/or reshipment.
1.7. Warranty
All Agilent Technologies Acqiris Digitizer products are warranted to operate within specification, assuming normal
operation, for a period of three years from the date of shipment. It is recommended that yearly calibration be made in
order to verify product performance. All repairs, replacement and spare parts are warranted for a period of 3 months.
A 5-year repair warranty is available as an option.
Agilent Technologies endeavors to provide leading edge technology that includes the latest concepts in hardware and
software design. As such software and firmware used with the products is under continual refinement and
improvement. All software and instrument firmware is supplied “as is” with no warranty of any kind. Software and
firmware is thoroughly tested and thought to be functional at the time of shipment. At Agilent Technologies’
discretion software and firmware may be revised if a significant operational malfunction is detected.
Products supplied but not manufactured by Agilent Technologies are covered solely by the warranty of the original
equipment manufacturer.
User Manual: Family of 10-bit Digitizers Page 6 of 55