
28 RF Switch Command Reference
Chapter 3
For example, if the command syntax shows MEASure, then MEAS and
MEASURE are both acceptable forms. Other forms of MEASure, such as
MEASU or MEASUR will generate an error. You may use upper or lower
case letters. Therefore, MEASURE, measure, and MeAsUrE are all
Implied Commands Implied commands are those which appear in square brackets ([ ]) in the
command syntax. (The brackets are not part of the command and are not
sent to the instrument.) Suppose you send a second level command but
do not send the preceding implied command. In this case, the instrument
assumes you intend to use the implied command and it responds as if
you had sent it. Examine the [ROUTe:] subsystem shown below:
PATH[:COMMon] <comm>,<channel>
PATH[:COMMon]? <comm>,<channel>
The root command ROUTe: is an implied command as is the command:
COMMon. To close a signal path, you can send any of the following
command statements:
These commands function the same, connecting the COMMON in bank
02 to channel 1 in bank 00. For information on channel and bank
numbers, see Chapter 2.
Parameters Parameter Types. The ROUTe:PATH command accepts only numeric
Linking Commands Linking IEEE 488.2 Common Commands with SCPI Commands. Use a
semicolon between the commands. For example RST; ROUT:PATH 2
or ROUT:PATH 2,1 ;*SAV 1
Linking Multiple SCPI Commands. Use both a semicolon and a colon
between the commands. For example, ROUT:PATH 2,1;:PATH 3,32
SCPI Command Reference
This section describes the Standard Commands for Programmable
Instruments (SCPI) commands for the E1470A Cascade RF Switch
module. Commands are listed alphabetically in by subsystem and within
each subsystem.