90 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Saved State: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: Auto (Log-power)
Remote Command:
Example: AVER:TYPE:RMS Sets Power (RMS) averaging
AVER:TYPE:SCAL Sets Voltage averaging
AVER:TYPE:LOG Sets Log-Power (video) averaging Auto
Chooses the optimum type of averaging for the current instrument measurement settings.
Auto selects Power (RMS) Averaging if Marker Noise is on, Band/Intvl Power is on, or Detector is
set to
Man and Average. It selects Voltage Averaging if Amplitude, Scale Type is set to Lin.For
other conditions, Auto selects Log-Power Average.
Key Path:
BW/Avg, Avg/VBW Type
Remote Command:
“Avg/VBW Type” on page 89
Example: AVER:TYPE:AUTO ON Log-Pwr Avg (Video)
Selects the logarithmic (decibel) scale for all filtering and averaging processes. This scale is
sometimes call “Video” because it is the most common display and analysis scale for the
video signal within a spectrum analyzer. This scale is excellent for finding CW signals near
noise, but its response to noise-like signals is 2.506 dB lower than the average power of
those noise signals. This is compensated for in the Marker Noise function. When this type
of averaging is selected, LgAv appears on the left side of the display.
The equation for trace averaging on the log-pwr scale is shown below, where N is the
number of averages accumulated. (In continuous sweep mode, once N has reached the
Average Number, N stays at that value, providing a running average.)
Assumes all values in decibel scale.
New avg
N 1–()Oldavg Newdata+