44 Chapter1
Using This Document
Book Organization
Using This Document
Book Organization
There are many terms used throughout this book, for example “active function block,” that
are explained in detail in the Getting Started guide. It is recommended that you read the
Getting Started guide first.
NOTE The front- and rear-panel features, along with the numeric keypad and
alpha-numeric softkey fundamentals are illustrated and described, in
your Getting Started guide.
What is in This Book
• Book Organization - describes the organization of this book.
• Instrument Functions - provides information about the front-panel and lower-level
key functions of your analyzer and their associated programming commands. This
information is organized alphabetically by the front-panel key name. For your
convenience, the instrument functions information has been divided into three separate
chapters; Instrument Functions: A-L, Instrument Functions: M-O,andInstrument
Functions: P - Z.
• Programming Fundamentals - provides information on SCPI and C programming
language basics, and on using GPIB and LAN.
• Using the STATus System - provides information about the instruments internal
status monitoring system with information on how to monitor the status using a remote
program and descriptions of all the available commands.
• Menu Maps - illustrates the menu structure of the front-panel and lower-level keys.
Refer to this chapter to identify the lower-level softkeys associated with the front-panel