218 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Peak Search
Instrument Functions: P - Z Peak Search
Sets the mode for
Peak Search to either Max or Param and applies to Peak Search only.
• Max (Maximum mode) places a marker on the highest peak whenever a Peak Search is
• Param (Parameter mode) searches only for peaks that meet the values set with Peak
and Pk Threshold.
Key Path:
Peak Search, Search Param
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Maximum
Default: Maximum.
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK[1]|2|3|4:SEARch:MODE PARameter|MAXimum
Remote Command Notes: If mode is set to MAXimum (Max), peak search will place the
marker at the maximum amplitude in the trace. If mode is set to
PARameter (
Param), peak search will place the marker at the highest peak
that rises and falls by at least the peak excursion above the peak
threshold. If no peak meets the excursion and threshold criteria, a No
Peak Found error (error 202) is issued.
The following commands are not affected by the setting of
CALC:MARK:PEAK SEAR:MODE. They will always use the parameter
search mode that defines peaks based on peak excursion and peak
Example: CALC:MARK:PEAK:SEARC:MODE PAR sets the parameter search mode.
CALC:MARK:PEAK:THR –60 dBm sets the threshold to –60 dBm.
CALC:MARK:PEAK:EXC 30 dB sets the minimum peak excursion
requirement to 30 dB.
CALC:MARK:STAT ON turns on marker number 1 and puts it on the active
trace at mid screen.