180 Chapter3
Instrument Functions: M - O
Instrument Functions: M - O
3.1.1 Select Marker
besettoanyofthecontrolmodes,Normal, Delta, Delta Pair, Span Pair,orOff.
Key Path:
State Saved: The number of the selected marker is saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Marker 1
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Sets or queries the state of a marker. Setting a marker to state ON or 1 selects that
marker. Setting a marker which is OFF to state ON or 1 puts it in
Normal mode and places
it at the center of the display. Setting a marker to state OFF or 0 selects that marker and
turns it off. The response to the query will be 0 if OFF, 1 if ON.
Example: CALC:MARK2:STAT ON selects marker 2.
CALC:MARK:STAT ON will not modify a marker that is already on.
3.1.2 Normal
Sets the control mode for the selected marker to Normal (see “Marker” on page 177). If the
marker is off, a single marker is activated at the center of the display. The marker stays on
the trace at the horizontal screen position where it was placed unless Signal Track,ora
“marker to” key function (such as Mkr → CF, Mkr → RL, Mkr → CF STEP, Mkr ∆ Span,orMin
) is selected. If you are in a marker pair mode, for example Delta Marker,the
reference marker is turned off. You can then adjust the trace point of the marker.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
See “Marker” on page 177 for the mode command.
Example: :CALC:MARK:MODE POS selects marker 1 and sets it to Normal.