
Configuration File Labels
The configuration files provided with the probe software have a number of labels defined
that are useful in providing rapid identification of sampling position, DRAM, and Channel
Command activity in the state listing. They can also be used as triggers for the logic
analyzer. These labels include:
Sampling labels
There are 4 groups of Sampling labels which organize each bit sent for the probe to the
logic analyzer by the location of its valid data window and therefore the required
sampling position. This makes it more convenient to check the sampling set-up on a bit
by bit basis.
DRAM labels
BA_x - Bank Address for Command Slot A, B or C as defined in 3 bits. _x is used to
describe the Command slot.
ADD_x - 16 bit label describing the DRAM address bus
DS_x - 4 bits that direct the command to one of the eight possible DRAM DIMMs on the
FBD channel. This is how any of the three commands in a frame can be directed to any
DIMM in the FBD channel. These bits are used in some Channel Commands as well.
RS_x - Rank Select bit.
Channel Command labels
SB_CMDA_CRC – Southbound Command Slot A CRC 14 bit value.
FO_SB_CMDA_CRC – Failover Southbound Command Slot A CRC 10 bit value
EV_x - Event Debug bits, 8 bits, used in the Channel Command Debug: In band events.
PV_x – 8 bit Parameter Value that is associated with a debug event. This is used in the
Channel Command Debug: In band events.
DE_x - 8 bits, each bit refers to the CKE on each DIMM, DE0 would be for DIMM 0, DE1
would be for DIMM1, etc.
RT_x - Relative timing, 10 timing bits communicate relative time of transfer across
boundaries. Used in Channel Command Debug: Relative timing.
PH_x - Phase bit, 6 bit field communicates the encoded boundary transfer phase. Used
in Channel Command Debug: Relative timing.
EX_x - 17 bit field that communicates debug information, used with Channel Command
Debug: Exposed information.
BCST_x - single bit field used in all CKE control commands (commands such as DRAM
CKE per DIMM and DRAM CKE per Rank commands). A 1 value targets all DIMMs, if
the bit is 0 the command targets only one DIMM specified by the DS bits.