84 U2761A User’s Guide
2Features and Functions
To specify whether the U2761A is triggered on the rising or
falling edge of the signal from the Trig In connector, select
Positive for rising edge triggering and Negative
for falling edge triggering.
Remote Interface Operation
TRIGger:SOURce {IMMediate|EXTernal|BUS}
Use the following command to specify whether the U2761A
is triggered on the rising or falling edge of the signal from
the Trig In connector.
TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}
Set Frequency Sweep Using SCPI Commands
Example 1
-> *CLS; *RST //To reset the U2761A to default
power-on state, this command
can be ignored if this operation
is not required.
-> FUNC SIN //Sets the carrier waveform to
Sine wave.
-> VOLT 5 VPP //Sets the output amplitude to
5 Vpp.
-> VOLT:OFFS 0 //Sets the output offset to 0.
-> SWE:STAT ON //Enables frequency sweep.
-> FREQ:STAR 500 //Changes the start frequency to
500 Hz.
-> FREQ:STOP 10000 //Changes the stop frequency to
10 kHz.
-> SWE:SPAC LIN //Changes the sweep mode to
-> SWE:TIME 2 //Changes the sweep time to 2 s.
-> TRIG:SOUR EXT //Changes the sweep trigger
source to External.
-> TRIG:SLOP POS //Changes the U2761A to be
triggered on the rising edge.
-> OUTP ON //Turns on output.