Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23 43
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Security Level
*SNMPSECLVL sets the security level and which version of SNMP communica-
tions are used.
0 - No security required. SNMPv2c and SMNPv3 communications are allowed.
1 - Authentication required. SNMPv3 is required to do authentication and
SNMPv2c transmissions will be silently discarded. Authentication is equivalent
to the authNoPriv setting in SNMPv3.
2 - Authentication required and messages are encrypted. SNMPv3 is required
to do authentication. SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 authNoPriv transmissions will be
silently discarded. Authentication and encryption is equivalent to the authPriv
setting in SNMPv3.
User Name and Password
The user name is 'user'. The user name cannot be changed.
The Raven's password is used as the SNMP password (default is '12345').
To change the password in the Raven, select Modem from the top menu line in
Wireless ACE.
Note: The eight-character password requirement for SMNPv3 is
not enforced by the
Raven's Agent to allow the default password
to function. Your SNMP administrator or MIS may require you
to change to a more secure and/or longer password.